Colorado Trails to Spanish Treasures ...
Colorado Trails to Spanish Treasures ...

About Us

After their Father passed away in 1988, Sydney and her Sister Linda also discovered they had a passion for prospecting and treasure hunting.  In their travels over much of the western United States, they have discovered countless monuments, trail markers and many of the ancient Spanish Trail's secrets.   Sydney has spent years researching old documents and Spanish archives housed in both Spain and Mexico.


Aided by family and associates in technology and other fields they have discovered and documented several remarkable Ancient Spanish Sites which appear to be considerably older than first thought.


 "Lost Treasures You Can Find in Colorado" Book is available at "Dewitt Enterprises" to order call Bob DeWitt @ (719) 473-0330 or email request to:


Always Happy to Help ...

I love to hear from my readers and I'm happy to help anyway I can.  Take the best possible photograph of any signs or formations you need help with and send your questions to me directly Here.

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